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     Below is a sampling of pre and post procedure photos of some of Samantha's clients. All of the "after" photos shown here were taken immediately after the procedure (as opposed to weeks later which is considered a "healed" photo).   Pigments look very dark and thick when they are initially applied.  However, after the skin has exfoliated and healed, the color that remains is a softer tone of  the original color creating an overall appearance that is much more natural looking.   The process of permanent cosmetics is achieved only under the most pure and sterile environment, using disposable materials only.  There may be very little discomfort.  Topical anesthetic is used to make the procedure as comfortable as possible.   


Before Brows                                                      After Eyebrows 


After Eyebrows

After Eyeliner

Before Eyeliner,  Eyebrows and Eyelash Extensions

After Eyeliner,  Eyebrows and Eyelash Extensions

Before Full Lips

Immediately After

Before Full Lips and Eyeliner


Immediately After


Immediately After


Two Weeks After


Before Eyeliner

Immediately After


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